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  • Tiếng Việt

The Lux Collection

The Classic Collection

VISPRING - World leaders in sleep

Sleeping well depends, for the most part, on the bed you choose to rest on.

Our lifestyles have changed beyond recognition over the past century, but our need for sleep remains universal — we simply cannot function without it. With this in mind, it makes sense to consider your choice of mattress very carefully, because good quality sleep is a commodity that we should all be investing in.

The Original Collection

The Original Collection

The starting point for Vispring comfort. Made with soft cotton, hand-teased wool, highly durable pocket springs and the most comfortable natural finishes.


The Classic Collection

The Classic Collection

The next level of comfort. Each mattress is filled with the softness of materials like wool and fine horsehair. Underneath which, you’ll find layers of individually pocketed springs.


The Luxe Collection

The Luxe Collection

With multiple layers of hand-nested pocket springs for weightless comfort, each mattress is carefully filled with the finest natural materials to provide the ultimate Vispring experience.


What’s in a Vispring Bed?

As our name suggests, springs are the most important ingredient in the Vispring recipe. They work in harmony with the natural fillings and upholstery to supply a delicate balance of strength, durability and softness.

Natural fillings and upholstery

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Choosing Your Perfect Bed

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Vispring's story

Originating from a foundation of love and care...

Two years prior to the official establishment of Vispring in 1901, the pocket spring mattress technology was innovatively devised and executed by James Marshall, a distinguished British engineer. At that time, Marshall’s wife faced a serious illness, motivating him to craft a more comfortable resting place for her.

With meticulous hands-on work, Marshall constructed a new bed for his wife, incorporating hundreds of coils individually encased in distinct fabric pockets. Following the resounding success and recognition of this groundbreaking invention, he resolved to establish the esteemed Marshall Mattress Company…

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Mattress Protector

We recommend the use of a mattress protector to keep your mattress in beautiful condition. The Vispring quilted mattress protector is made from softly quilted percale cotton with a pure new wool filling.

Divan Mantle

We can make your mattress with cut-out corners so it fits in four-poster bed frames.

Zip & Link Mattress

The Vispring wool mattress pad provides protection between your Vispring mattress and the base of your bedstead, extending the life of your mattress and enhancing comfort.

Loose Divan Skirt & Fitted Divan Cover

Fitted covers and loose skirts are a good way of changing the look of your divan to a fabric of your choice


The Vispring high divans can be fitted with drawers. We offer three different drawer sizes with multiple configuration options, Please consult with a sales associate for further details.

Bedstead Wool Mattress Pad

We recommend the use of a mattress protector to keep your mattress in beautiful condition. The Vispring quilted mattress protector is made from softly quilted percale cotton with a pure new wool filling.

Customer Stories

Leanne Cloudsdale

Why are we willing to splurge on cars, kitchens, and sofas, but hesitate to invest in our sleep?

We’ve heard countless times about the fact that humans spend 30% of their lifetime on their beds, but is this reason not compelling enough to prioritize it? There is ample evidence highlighting the connection between quality sleep and both physical and mental well-being. Moments of relaxation on a quality, comfortable bed are something we should expect every day, and it doesn’t take a genius to understand that the mattress is the most crucial factor.

In the summer of 2017, I suddenly realized the necessity of Vispring…

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Eudon Choi

“I’ve slept on a Vispring bed a few times at hotels, and each time I woke up feeling incredibly refreshed. From then on, I knew I needed to find a product that could provide such sleep quality at home. I hadn’t heard of the brand before, but after researching and discovering its remarkable history, I felt the need to delve deeper. I was extremely impressed to learn that each mattress is handmade. As a fashion designer, I appreciate the dedication of investing years to hone the necessary skills to craft each mattress.”

Sheridan & Louis

“Tôi đã vô cùng ấn tượng khi thấy Vispring sử dụng các nguyên liệu hoàn toàn tự nhiên. Đối với tôi, đây là một điều rất tiến bộ, vì đó là rất nhiều năm trước rồi, khi mọi người chưa có nhận thức rộng rãi về việc tránh sử dụng bọt foam và VOC (hợp chất hữu cơ dễ bay hơi) trong đệm hoặc lớp bọc. Tiêu chuẩn đạo đức khi lựa chọn đệm rất quan trọng đối với chúng tôi – xã hội chúng ta thực sự cần hạn chế sử dụng các sản phẩm hóa dầu.”

Josie & Charlie

“When it comes to beds, we rarely have the chance to actually sleep on one before deciding to purchase. Recently, I saw a couple on Instagram sharing an interesting experience about having an incredibly good night’s sleep at a hotel. They decided to remove the bed sheets to see the mattress brand, and unsurprisingly, it was Vispring.”
